Client activities before Christmas

We often advise our clients on strategic hiring practices, as one of the many value-added consultancy services we provide. Around this time of year, one of the key insights we share is the substantial benefits of recruiting in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It might be seem counterintuitive, but it can actually be a bit of a game-changer for a forward-thinking company.

1. Engaging with highly motivated candidates

The festive period often brings out highly motivated individuals. These are often professionals who are serious about their career progression and are not just casually browsing. They’re looking to make a strategic move, and if the role is right for them, the time of year is largely irrelevant. Your opening could be precisely what they’re seeking.

2. Immediate availability

Many candidates looking for roles during this period may have immediate availability. This is particularly beneficial if you need roles filled quickly. Hiring before Christmas means these individuals could potentially start right away or early in the New Year, reducing downtime for your business.

3. Onboarding for a strong start in the New Year

Onboarding employees before Christmas sets the stage for them to hit the ground running in the New Year. It allows them time to familiarise themselves with your company culture and processes, ensuring a smoother transition and more effective start when business resumes full swing.

4. Motivated recruitment partners

Just as with finding candidates ready to move roles at this time of year, so it is with recruitment agencies, like ours, that are keen to close the year strongly. This means we’re highly motivated to make those last few placements and write contracts. We’re not winding down; we’re ramping up our efforts to connect you with the right talent.

5. Access to a wider talent pool

During this time, you may have access to a talent pool that isn’t typically available. Some candidates only consider new opportunities at year-end, looking for a fresh start in the New Year. This unique window presents an opportunity to tap into a diverse range of skills and experiences.

6. Reduced competition

Despite this advice of continuing hiring during the festive periods, many companies still slow down their hiring efforts meaning there’s less competition for top talent. This gives you a better chance of securing highly qualified candidates who might be snapped up quickly at other times of the year.

The importance of working with a supportive recruitment agency partner

In this hiring period, working with a recruitment agency like ours offers several benefits:

  • Consultative approach: We understand your business needs and provide tailored advice, ensuring you make the most of the festive hiring season.
  • Qualified shortlists: Our expertise and rigorous screening processes mean you only see candidates who meet your specific requirements.
  • Value addition: We support you throughout the recruitment process, from identifying needs to final placements, adding value at every step.
  • Focused to the end: When you engage in a hiring process with us, regardless of the time of year – we’ll see this through with you. We’ll follow up on all leads, with clear communication at every stage for candidates and clients, ensuring we get these placements secured.

Hiring before Christmas offers a unique set of advantages – access to motivated candidates, immediate availability, the opportunity for a strong start in the New Year, and dedicated support from your recruitment partners. As your recruitment agency, we’re committed to ensuring that this period is not just about winding down but gearing up for success. Let’s make the most of this festive season to position your company for a prosperous New Year.

If you’re a job seeker looking for a new contract or permanent role in the run up to Christmas then you may be interested in our recent article: Progressing your job search during the festive season. And if you need any help with your job search, or want to register with us, then contact us today.

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